Tuesday, August 07, 2007


So, a couple of weeks ago now I had to say goodbye to a friend.

I find that in a lot of my past friendships I have wondered about the level of connection and sometimes thought we didn't connect as well as I would like or at other times I have felt as if I have given so much and tried so hard and recieved nothing in return.

Well with this individual I occasionally felt like I asked a lot of him but couldn't always give enough in return on my part, if that makes any sense.

A constant encourager, prayer buddy, teacher and brother, a friend as you rarely find them. Transparent and willing to be real, sharing how we are doing in a very real way. Nothing surfacy or fake...everything up front and taken at face value.

What a blessing it is to know you are supported and cared for because of who you are, not in spite of it.
Much like I feel marriage should be. But you need those people in your life you can confide in, share with and have confidence in knowing they will call you on your garbage and pathetic behavior, tell you when you're wrong, and you just know they are telling you because they care. To be valued as you value in return. Neither walks away feeling burdened or burned out, just refreshed.

David and Jonthan had this...a connection of the souls that is beyond description a depth of trust beyond comparison.

True friendship...

I am honored to say I have had such a connection.

Thankyou for the honor, Adrian Wi.

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