Thursday, November 23, 2006

John 15

A couple of options from things I've been reading lately...

John 15:1-17...Bearing Fruit, am I bearing fruit? Apply it to yourself and see. And then in verse 16-17, how amazing would it be to be so connected to God and with Him so often that we only ask for the things that He would want us to ask for? I want to know that when I pray and feel like I'm supposed to say something or do something or ask God for something, that its exactly what God want me to ask Him for "He may give it to you".

John 15:18-26...interesting, this quote from Jesus seems to say that people are not guilty if they haven't been told and don't know better. Almost makes you feel like not telling anyone huh?
Think about that for a few minutes...

But then think about the rest of the Bible, God's whole purpose was to connect with us and show us our purpose in life as His creatures. So, we should all be given the option of knowing and choosing to do what we were created for and having the fullfilment of KNOWING and TALKING to God any time and all the time. So, God calls us to tell others, over and over again and makes that extremely clear, He wants everyone to have that option and choice.

Pastor Dave

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