Tuesday, November 21, 2006

One of those times when the Scripture just Hits you in the face!

I was reading 2 Timothy 3 last night...

OK, so go and read it first and then come back...or remember what you read as you read the passage.

The first 9 verses of this chapter are talking about what people will be like in the last days. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that the end of the world is coming. I'm not the kind of person who sees signs and assumes everything is ending now. I believe that God told us to be ever vigilant for the purpose of our constantly giving our all to Him. Knowing that if we don't share today then it might be too late tomorrow. But thats another entry.

Read what it says in those verses, how many people that you know are like that?

How many of us are like that?

Not neccessarily in every one of those ways but one or two...The most impacting point for me was in verse 7 where it talks about how we can always learn but never come to a true knowledge of the truth. Do we believe with our hearts? Do we KNOW in the depths of our soul that God is who He says He is, and if we do does our lifestyle show it? If our life doesn't show do we really believe?

The Living Bible paraphrase stated verse 5 like this; They will go to church, yes but they won't really believe anything that they hear.

Do we believe?

I also found it interesting to think that it sounds pretty clear that the culture this kind of thing would have to take place in would be one just like ours. Cultures that persecute Christians wouldn't have pretend believers there, its only cultures that accept those who go to church that could produce this kind of pretend Christian.

Lets be careful not to be confused by these people and most importantly lets be sure we aren't one of those people.

Pastor Dave

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