We went home...
Prayed and cried, screamed and yelled, begged God to heal to touch and to fix our baby.
We went to see our doctor who had been our doctor for Leigha and Josiah.
He is a Christian as well (up to now we have had a christian “genetic counselor” “Ultra sound tech” and or “maternity doctor” as well)
He told us stories of having had this happen with other christian women and gave us options of how to deal with it. (this is the tuesday after the Women’s hospital ordeal)
He didn’t offer any hope either, which is not his fault but regardless was discouraging...
At this point I found myself really receiving and accepting the words that these doctors had been telling us... when people would ask how things were I would tell them that we were pregnant but not for long... as the baby was dying...
Then... I was lead by a word back to the story of Elijah!
He had made the situation impossible without God by pouring water on the altar, I had prayed to be shown how to pour the water on the altar... it has been poured ... and I had walked away from the altar!
Where had my faith gone, “Prepare me for miracle, help me set the stage God... “ and then after he helps I listen tot he world over him and accept the prophetic words of the doctors around me!
I asked for forgiveness, I told my wife God had called us to stand firm at the altar and pray for his direct and clear intervention that He might be glorified through all of this. And again, with 0% chance, there was no other reason for the baby to live without the direct intervention from God.
She has already bee feeling lead to pray “against” the ailment that our baby had. I realized that it was strangely coincidental that only christian women had had to deal with this through our maternity doctor who delivers hundreds of babies a year...
So, the spiritual battle became clear, and at the altar we stand...
Sometimes confused, sometimes disheartened, but firm in the knowledge that we are doing as God has called us to, for the hear and now.
We pray, “God we believe, but help our unbelief.” lk. 9:24
God has affirmed us by giving us a recent ultra sound that showed the baby doing unexpectedly well. Our doctor saying he’ll see us in a month rather than the usual 2 weeks. Others coming into our lives who have felt the call to pray healing over our baby. And even in the sense that we are being beat up by the devil on all fronts... he is doing all he can to break us.
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for standing with us.
We believe and know that God’s plans are not the same as the worlds!
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