So, they booked us in at Women’s hospital in Vacouver instantly.
After our initial ultra sound in Abbotsford on the friday they had us ready to go to Vancouver for Wednesday, but our schedule wouldn’t allow for it, so they rebooked us for that same friday.
By this point we had been warned by 2-3 people that the reason for the rush, as well as the meeting in general was going to be for the “offer” of an abortion.
This was not an exciting idea for us, but we figured that the more information we could have the better at this point.
So, we went. My aunt came with us because she had significant experience with Women’s because of 2 of her children and the circumstances involved with them.
So, we waited.
We were invited in to see the Ultra sound tech and she began to talk to us about how important it was that we have “good memories” of the child, she printed pictures off for us and indicated that she could see the issue but would show us the good things as well.
She then left and called in a doctor who re-did some of the ultra sound...
This is when we were exposed to the horror of what the situation really was.
Keeping in mind at this point, I had felt that God had lead me to the story of Elijah and so I had been praying for God to show me how to “Pour water” on the alter... thus proving that whatever happens next was God and only God... Without question.
Which of course meant that things would have to become clearly impossible without God.
And so they became impossible.
The “cyst” on our baby was easily as big as it’s head. Fluid filled everything and it was not leaving the body cavity of the child. They described it much like a water balloon. Where the pressure from the fluid would eventually shut down the heart.
It was VERY unpleasant, scary and .... we just about collapsed in a state of disbelief and being overwhelmed. (the picture above is an example of what we saw... the head of the baby is on the left and the cyst on the right it looks like a bubble filled with black)
We went upstairs to hear from the doctors that there was a 0% chance... (just like the alter that Elijah poured water on of lighting on fire without God) and given the options of wait till it dies, abort (as a form of mercy on the child) or do more tests if you’d like which are useless because we can’t treat anything anyway.
So, Melissa took a blood test to “screen” for probabilities etc... and so on.
We were also told at this point that even if the swelling went down it wasn’t a good thing necessarily because “the baby might live and when born have immense amount of problems that weren’t worth dealing with.” But in our case it was so severe that they did not see the potential for the swelling to go down anyway.
Again, the additional potential problems included things like trisomy 18, 21 and whatever else the chromosomal issues might be numbered. In regular language these are disabilities like downs syndrome, Edward’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome.
There was a tiny chance that our baby might make it to birth and die shortly after...
The situation was no impossible... At least in human terms.
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